Community #
Step 1 Participate #
- Build something—join the 873 developers building with Eleventy.
- Ask a question, answer a question: We welcome questions from people of all experience levels on Discord, GitHub Discussions, and the issue tracker. We really appreciate help answering those questions too!
- Tell a friend! Our project doesn’t have a big marketing budget so we rely on word of mouth!
- ⭐ 17.7k Star Eleventy on GitHub! This is an easy way to support our underrated project and help boost our rank on both GitHub and’s list of site generators.
- Looking to Hire an Eleventy developer? Browse the Eleventy Super Professional Business Network 💼
Step 2 Stay up-to-date #
- Follow @eleven_ty on Twitter
- Read the Eleventy Blog
- Subscribe/unsubscribe to the Eleventy YouTube Channel
- We publish RSS feeds for: Blog Posts and Documentation Updates
- View the full Eleventy Release History (with documentation for previous versions)
Step 3 Contribute on Open Collective #
Eleventy is supported by folks like you that want to invest in better, longer lasting tools to create on the web.
As a thank you to our Supporters, Eleventy will:
- Display your name and avatar on the Eleventy documentation. Monthly supporter avatars are listed in the footer of almost all documentation pages.
- Provide access to on-site documentation Search!
- No advertisements, tag managers, or third party trackers on Eleventy documentation pages. (Okay, everyone gets this)
- Backer tier and above can join the Eleventy Super Professional Business Network.
- More to come!
All Eleventy contributors on Open Collective will be given a Contributor Account with access to Contributor-only features. To sign up, donate to Support Eleventy on Open Collective !